A Legacy of Handmade Objects


In this website you are looking at 45 years of working with my hands, starting with the log cabin shown in the “About Breeze” section and ending with the jewelry shown under the “My Work” category (also in the “Store” section). I have steadily found equal satisfaction in expressing myself in smaller and smaller objects, especially ones that are made from re and up-cycled objects. What fun to muse through the world as a proud bottom feeder seeking objects with history and herstory! I have been creating marquetry and now mostly inlaid pieces full time for almost 30 years now. This website displays some of the highlights of many thousands of objects that I have mostly made on my own; I now have an able bodied creative assistant… Sara Meehan.

Check it out and thanks for taking a look!

Please note the new address and contact information:
T. Breeze VerDant
PO Box 2
54 Dover Rd
Williamsville, VT 05362

“Love Song for the Earth”.
Music – T. Breeze Verdant.
Images and editing -Barry Lobdell

I will be teaching a class in Inlaying Rustic Pendants at the Adirondack Folk School in Lake Luzerne, NY on Sept. 30th & Oct 1st.

To listen to Breeze’s music, click on this link.